Duration: 12 months
ESTIPEND: A stipend will be paid according to the relevant qualification test and will vary depending on the qualification (N6-R4000, Diploma-R4000, N Diploma and degree-R5000, Honors and Master’s-R7000 PM)
CENTER: Simon’s Town
REQUIREMENTS: National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Human Resources Management, Mechanical Engineering.
CONSULTATIONS: Mrs. A.M. Kau-Tsoanyane Tel No: (021) 787 5214 General inquiries: Ms. A.S. Marsh Tel No: 012 355 6081
APPLICATIONS: Department of Defense, South African Navy, Fleet Human Resources Division, Private Bag X1, Simon’s Town, 7995 or hand delivery to SA Navy, Dockyard, Simon’s Town.
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form that can be obtained from any Department of Public Services or online at . Applications must be accompanied by a complete CV, certified copies of ID, grade 12 and grades, as well as recent academic records / transcripts.
Applicants must be graduates of accredited Higher Education Institutions who are unemployed. The foreign rating must be accompanied by an assessment certificate from the South African Rating Authority (SAQA).
Non-RSA citizens / permanent residence permit holders must attach a copy of their permanent residence permit. Applicants who have participated in any other government apprenticeship and internship program before will not be considered.
Students who require experiential training as part of their qualification must attach a formal letter from their college. If you do not submit all requested documents, the request will not be considered. Successful candidates will be subject to personnel suitability checks (criminal record and security clearance).
Applications sent by fax or email will not be accepted. If you do not hear from us within 2 months of the closing date, please accept that your request was not successful. Applications received after the closing date and those that do not meet the requirements will not be considered.
Graduates with disabilities and those from TVET colleges are encouraged to apply. NB: Successful applicants will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation and transportation to and from the workplace during the internship period.