MACSTEEL Pursuing Reinvention
Apprenticeship Intake:
- Electrician
Closing date: 01 March 2021 if you do not hear from us within 14days after closing date please consider yourself unsuccessful
Macsteel Service Centers SA is currently recruiting learners to embark on the above- mentioned apprenticeships.
The Macsteel Apprentice Program minimum requirements are as follows: a) Four technical subjects from a FET college at N3, or)
b) Technical grade 12 with Maths & Science, with N2 trade theory subjects

The minimum required marks for Mathematics & Science is in both cases 50% or above – this is governed by the MERSETA. Maths Literacy is not acceptable for the program
• All applicants that meet the minimum requirements will undergo assessment to determine aptitude, perception and ability.
• All applicants who meet the minimum assessment pass rate of 50% will be invited to an interview conducted by an interview panel.
• Learners who have been contracted will be allocated to a training center for the institutional Training for a period of 24 weeks (6 months).
Applications for external learners should include Tax number, Proof of banking details, clear color ID copy, highest qualifications and complete cv.
• Internal applications to be singed off by management.
The selection of learners will be done through screening and Interview processes and the selection outcome will be deemed as final. Applications (including complete CV) to be submitted to za no later than 1 “March 2021 (NB Please make sure the subject of the email has the program you are applying for)
7 Brok Road. Lilianiton. Baksburg. Gauteng . South Atica