TYPE OF JOB: Retail, Food, Merchandise, Clothing, Liquor, and Graduate Program
Pick n Pay says it welcomes people whose values are aligned with its own, namely honesty, integrity, and responsibility.
If you are looking for a career at one of the Pick n Pay stores, you can follow the steps below to apply. It is simply.
Login / Create an account
If you already have an account, you can log in and start applying! If you do not have an account, you will need to create a new one.
This should be a quick and easy process:
Enter your username, password and email
Fill in your personal information
Attach your CV / CV
Review the information
Save / Register
Search available jobs
Once you’ve set up your profile, you’re ready to start applying! You will be able to browse vacancies and search by location, job title ad keywords. Click on the job you want more information about; This will show you the requirements, duties and other relevant information.
Once you’ve found the job for you, just hit “Apply” and follow the instructions. And there you have it!
So if you want to work for Pick n Pay, the process is easy and simple. Click on the website below to start the process.
A South African ID
Be able to work during business hours, including weekends and holidays
A minimum grade 10-12 grade (or equivalent)
Pick n Pay Group reserves the right to perform employee verification checks, including but not limited to criminal and credit checks.
If you have not received a response within 30 days, your request was unsuccessful.